Hello everyone!
Sorry it's been so long to get back to this blog, but in my time away from here, I've been hard at work.
The first draft of my first original story is now complete, currently standing at 141,036 words, or 322 pages; the story itself is finished.
It's been an exciting ride, and it's not over yet; as there's still plenty of polish to go; but don't despair, I haven't forgotten you; my faithful readers. (All three of you, lol)
As I crafted this universe, I knew that taking it to a publisher is out of the question. With each passing week we get more stories about the collapse and closure of Bookstores, even bookstore chains across the world.
This is bad for the publishers, and bad for the printers, but it's good for the readers, who have clearly spoken their minds; switching to ebooks in their millions; getting their book cheaper and faster than ever before.
If it's good for the readers, it's fantastic for the authors.
Finding good Indie Writing online is about as hard as finding Indie Music. The great stuff is out there, but you have to sift through the rest to find it; and most people just don't have the will to keep going.
There are a steady stream of forum posts, websites, directories and reviews out there to help you find good Indie Writing.
As a huge supporter (Soon to be participant) in the field, I started one myself.
For those who are interested in the field, or better yet, writing stories of your own; I also have a G+ page, with useful articles on writing and self-publishing.